By Tugthr on Apr 17, 2019
Hello everyone,
We have come back with a vengeance! During the service being offline, we took the time to really clean up and improve the core of the system. With those changes, the system is noticeable faster and provides an overall better experience. There is a lot more consistency among the features compared to before.
We do want to apologize for that downtime, there was an unexpected hardware failure. This has been corrected, and will be monitored to make sure this will never happen again. All data is safe and secure.
Visually, you will see the biggest difference on the profiles as a majority of the new design has been completed. This includes new features for profile requesting. We are still getting the following/unfollowing functions back. Bear with us on that.
In the end, we are still working to diligently create new features and clean up the current ones. We hope soon to have some of the planned features out soon for everyone to enjoy and make Tugthr better for all.
Thank you again for everything and sticking with us!
Happy tugging,
Anthony Hathaway
CEO of Tugthr